About Me

Hey there! I’m Jessica Wolloscheck from Norman, Oklahoma. Go Sooners!
This blog is not only dedicated to my health and well being, but to yours. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. My only qualification in writing for you is my Bachelor Degree in Photo-Journalism. Outside of formal education, I have worked with trainers, nutritionists and physical therapists most of my life as a dancer.

This is not a place for me to tell you WHAT to do but rather what WORKS for me on my journey of exploring the health industry and losing weight.

In 2009, I was at 9% body fat, weighed 103 at 5’4, was a professional cheerleader, a model and a toothpick. I struggled with a horrible eating disorder and obsessive compulsions that could’ve taken my life. I experienced a wake up call and got help from a counselor. Then, in 2012 I found myself a little “too” happily married to my husband, David. Learning to enjoy food again, I quickly became addicted and struggled with obesity for 2 years. Today I have decided to take total control of my nutrition and fitness the smart, healthy way. I can’t promise remarkable inspiration or life changing motivation, but I will give you my honest feedback on what works for me.

Here goes. To health and happiness!


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