My First Bulk Experience

I had a totally different blog post planned for today, but honey I have seen the light! Today I shopped at SAMs Club for my meal prep for the first time ever. I’ve had my membership there for a long time, but I’ve only used it to help my dad buy snow cone supplies over…… Continue reading My First Bulk Experience

Meal Prep Fundamentals

Meal prep, when done correctly,  is the key to losing body fat, taking control of your weight and boosting your metabolism. I cannot fail at reaching my fitness goals when my meals meet my body’s nutritional needs every single day. I always tell people about the time I lost 2 pounds a week stuck in…… Continue reading Meal Prep Fundamentals

What Can I Say? I Can’t Stop Losing Weight!

I’m down 3 more pounds this week. I will tell you all about it! As I’m losing a lot of weight, more and more people are asking me what I eat, or if you’re my grandma, asking IF I eat. Here is what I purchased this weekend and what I always have on hand. I…… Continue reading What Can I Say? I Can’t Stop Losing Weight!